About Us
Ecogreen Oleochemicals is one of the leading producers of Natural Fatty Alcohol in the world. We are committed to supply high quality products and to build strong customer relationships while investing in our human capital. To serve our customer globally, Ecogreen Oleochemicals establishes marketing offices in Singapore, Germany, and USA. Ecogreen Oleochemicals has established manufacturing facilities at Indonesia (PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals Batam), Singapore (Ethoxylates Manufacturing Pte Ltd), Germany (Deutsche Hydrierwerke GmbH Rodleben) and France (Ecogreen Oleochemicals Chimie).

PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals Batam (EOB-Indonesia)
Started in 1991 with several subsequent expansions in our manufacturing plant on Batam Island, we established one of the largest Natural Fatty Alcohol production sites globally. We produce various cuts of Saturated Fatty Alcohols (from C8 to C18), Unsaturated Fatty Alcohols (Oleyl Alcohols), Oleic Acid, Refined Glycerin and Specialty Esters such as Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT for Food, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical and Lubricant application).
Ethoxylates Manufacturing Pte Ltd (EMPL-Singapore)
On 1988, we started as the first ASEAN Ethoxylation Plant located at Jurong Island. With a proven and reliable technology, we are able to produce various Natural Based Fatty Alcohol Ethoxylates (downstream of fatty alcohol).

Deutsche Hydrierwerke GmbH Rodleben (DHW-Germany)
Founded in 1916 and incorporated in the worldwide network of research and production facilities of Ecogreen Oleochemical group since 1991. As the world first Natural Fatty Alcohols Producer in early 30’s, DHW produce Unsaturated Fatty Alcohols, Branched Saturated Fatty Alcohol, Fatty Acid, Fatty Esters, Fatty Amines and Sugar Alcohols.
Ecogreen Oleochemicals Chimie (E&S-France)
Became a part of Ecogreen Oleochemicals group since 2011 and has production facilities to produce Fatty Alcohol Ethoxylates, Fatty Alcohol Esther Sulfates, Fatty Alcohol Sulfates and Specialty Esters.

To meet international standards of quality operations, the plant in Batam is certified for ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment), FSSC 22000 (Food Safety) by TUV Rheinland, GMP+B2 (Feed Safety) by Sucofindo, Indonesia’s OH&S by Mutu Agung, ISO 17025 (Laboratory) by KAN, HAS 23000 and Halal certified by LPPOM MUI Indonesia, and also Kosher certified by Orthodox Union USA. Along with that, our plant in Germany is ISO 9001 certified by Llyod's Quality Assurance and Kosher Certified by Orthodox Union, while EOG also has certificates of ISO 9001 by Llyod's Quality Assurance, Natural and Organic Cosmetic from ECOCERT and Cosmos Cosmetic Standard. In France, E&S has ISO 9001 & 14001 certificates. RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS) issued by Control Union cover whole entities from Ecogreen Oleochemicals at Batam, Singapore, Germany, France and USA.